- Greeting should be performed when you first see me. On your knees, kiss to left foot, right foot.
- Departure should be performed as last thing before departure, after your things have been collected, good byes said, etc. On your knees, kiss to left foot, right foot.
- You will always call me Ma’am, in private, public and when talking to a third party.
- Eating, drinking, sleeping, using the bathroom, exiting my presence should be done after permission has been given.
- It is your responsibility to clear all toys and equipment after we finish play and aftercare. Please learn where everything should go before we start the play.
At home:
- You are not allowed to sit on chairs and couches. You are encouraged to create comfortable sitting on the floor using whichever cushions are available.
- Rule of thumb, do not just sit, unless specifically instructed to do so. If you have nothing to do, look around you and find something useful to do.
- Eating alone, having received permission, prepare your meal, sit down and wait. When I say bon appetite, you say thank you Ma’am and begin eating.
- Eating with me, organize everything for both of us, then stand and wait until I give you permission to sit and say bon appetite, say thank you Ma’am and begin eating.
- When the meal has finished, ask for permission to clear the dishes. After which clean all the dishes used and the kitchen.
- Coffee service, on your knees, coffee on a tray, eyes on coffee and wait. I shall reach for the coffee when I am ready.
- I always want water; make sure there is plenty available to me at all times.
- Entering a room I am in. Approach the door, kneel and wait. I will tell you when to enter.
- Bath service, prep the bath, with candles and scented water, towels etc. come to the room I am in, kneel and wait.
- In the general community you represent the interests of this house and me in particular. If you have a problem, please discuss it with me first.
- When there is company, you are always behind my left shoulder.
- I offer guests drinks, you provide them.
- If we are dining with others, always serve me first, then the highest rank Dom/me next and so on. If you are unsure who is who, just ask.
- All the food should be served before you sit down on a cushion next to my foot and wait for your bon appetite.
- If you wish to talk to me, when there company, you approach me and wait. I’ll ask you with my eyes if there is anything you want.
- Talking to others when in company, you approach me and wait. I’ll ask you with my eyes if there is anything you want and you ask if you may speak to others/ask them anything.
- When at an event, you will always get free time to interact with other people. Usually after you organize a seat and a drink for me. When socializing, keep me in your eye sight, in case I need anything.
- Anything you are unsure about ask. I will never reproach you for asking. In time I want all of it to become a well choreographed dance, no signs needed because you know what to do at all times.